Shaper Plate + Hardware Catalog
Shaper Plate is a universal template for Shaper Origin, enabling precise localized CNC routing. Woodworkers use Plate to route inlays, engravings, hardware mortises, and other localized features. Plate’s design allows multiple modes of location, is designed with Origin’s key applications in mind, and is extensible for future not-yet-imagined accessories.
The Shaper Hardware Catalog is a digital repository of pre-made templates for installing the most popular and impactful woodworking hardware using Origin + Plate. Users looking for hardware can browse the catalog to learn more about the hardware they may need. Users with hardware in-hand can use search and filter functions to find the information they need. A Hardware Catalog object includes digital templates with embedded location and depth information, up-front access to important information such as minimum material thickness, and PDF manufacturer’s data. The catalog gives computer-averse craftspeople access to digital precision.
Shaper Plate + Hardware Catalog won the 2023 Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers Visionary Award. Patent Application #WO2022236310A8
Plate is a universal template for Origin, combining a field of computer vision fiducials with precise locating features to enable precise, portable CNC routing with Shaper Origin

Plate supports multiple modes of alignment, referencing points, edges, and corners with a set of precise & robust locating features. Applications include inlay, engraving, hardware mortising, corner rounding, and shelf-pin holes for cabinetry. The threaded side rails afford extensibility for a range of future accessories.

Moving form measuring tape and pencil to 2D vector graphics for digital templates is a big leap for many craftspeople. The Shaper Hardware Catalog provides a basis for beginning to understand digital design by providing over 150 templates tat are verified ready-to-use. By developing curiosity and trust in a digital workflow, craftspeople are drawn to learn more about digital design through Shaper Studio - Shaper’s 2D digital design tool for craftspeople - and Shaper Sessions - a biweekly livestream teaching digital workflows for woodworkers.

By clicking Save to My Files, digital templates are instantly synced to the user’s Origin, ready to cut. By clicking Download All Files, all files including digital templates and manufaturer’s PDF instructions are downloaded to the user’s desktop. The templates’ SVG format allows them to be used on most common digital fabrication tools, including laser cutters, 3D printers, and other CNC machines.